Thursday, January 1, 2009

I can't believe I'm still awake right now, considering the fact I was in London, and at the moment its 6:37 there. Wierd to think about, but the trip was amazing. It wasn't as cold as I expected, once we landed we got situated, then headed towards Oxford Circus, where all the shops are. I love London. The shops, and especially the fact that, on almost every menu they have theres something vegetarian. It's perfect. The only part that could possibly hold me back from living there is driving on the left side of the road, Very odd.
Then we went to Paris, back to the right side of the road. Seeing the Eiffel Tower was more surreal than I thought it would be. Seeing so many pictures of it, It looks so tiny. It's actually huge, bigger than I thought. But of course the one whole day we have, It sleets, rain and snow, Leaving my toes numb. The food in Paris is outstandingggg, Basicly wine, cheese, and bread with every meal, sounds boreing but Its SO good.
Finally, back to London for New Years, We had reservations for a cruise along the river in London. It was similar to Spirt of Philadelphia, except for London. I actually danced on the dance floor, with a bunch of old people, Including a middle school prinicpal, I didn't care though, probably because I had too many glasses of wine. The best part was being on top of the boat, seeing Big ben, and Counting down the seconds till 12. It was the best New Years by far.

And now, I'm home, finally in my own bed, but theres not doubt in my mind I won't go back. Now I'm dealing with the same stuff I left to. In the sitaution I'm in right now I'm playing the victim, but not for much longer.

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