Thursday, October 9, 2008

I've come to the conclusion that there has to be something dramaticly wrong with me. Or maybe I'm just a fucking retard, but i'm done with it all. I hate to be so dramatic, but I'm just venting.
Either all the dudes I talk to are complete assholes, or in all seriousness, there is someting wrong with me. I know im not the prettiest girl, or the smartest, or the best at making descisions, and the most jealous, not the skinniest. But someone was in love with me for over a year, why can't that happen again? I guess I gotta be patient, but im the most impatient girl ever. I HAVE SO MANY FLAWS. what the helllllllllllll? I thought I found some dudes who would do me right, but the first one, is too "busy" doesn't have time. And the second one is just a flat out douche bag whos been my friend, but likes to see girls cry I guess, when he couldve supposively "taken care of me" bulllll shiiiiitt...
Im done wasting my time on people, For real. Between friends, and guys. And just people in general, you can't trust ANYONE. So from now on, I will never ever ever let my guard down until I know and feel thats its alright to. I'm usually such a reallllly happy person, I am a happy person. but shit sucks so bad lately, im so over it, so incredibly over it.

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